What is Buddha Vihar?
Buddhist viharas are monasteries can be categorised as monks' residences, centres for religious study and meditation, and places of worship. Vihar means haar (defeat) against the self ego. In Buddha vihar we lose our sense of self ego until there is nothing left as my, mine, etc. the ego loses its grip on us.
Previously wherever Gautam buddha sat there it was known as Vihar. Since in North India B pronunciation is quite prevalent so Vihar became today's Bihar state.
We should go in Buddha Vihar every day and in there we should discuss dana, samadhi, sheela. No outside talk or gossip should done in Buddha vihar. While going to vihar we should take something for dana though it is necessary but any dana done in vihar will bring you good fortune.
It gives immense peace once you start practicing dana, samadhi, sheela. So start with practicing it in Buddha viharas daily.