Monday, March 27, 2023

Visit Buddha Vihar Daily!

What is Buddha Vihar?

Buddhist viharas are monasteries can be categorised as monks' residences, centres for religious study and meditation, and places of worship. Vihar means haar (defeat) against the self ego. In Buddha vihar we lose our sense of self ego until there is nothing left as my, mine, etc. the ego loses its grip on us. 

Previously wherever Gautam buddha sat there it was known as Vihar. Since in North India B pronunciation is quite prevalent so Vihar became today's Bihar state.

We should go in Buddha Vihar every day and in there we should discuss dana, samadhi, sheela. No outside talk or gossip should done in Buddha vihar. While going to vihar we should take something for dana though it is necessary but any dana done in vihar will bring you good fortune.

It gives immense peace once you start practicing dana, samadhi, sheela. So start with practicing it in Buddha viharas daily.

Friday, March 24, 2023

How dāna (donation) becomes fulfilled with these 3 things

Gautam Buddha says that whenever we donate /or do dāna these 3 things are important

  1. We should have faith in our heart.
  2. We should have something to offer.
  3. The receiver should be worthy of the donation.

If 3 karma's align we receive the fruits of our dāna. We should not donate expecting something else in return. It is not a transaction but a sacrifice of the object that we have. 

Our dāna brings us the fruits depending upon who we donate to. Different fruits will come out of dāna to someone who has anger, someone who is Shrotapanna, Anagami, etc.

We should have faith in our heart, positivity and cheerfulness while doing dāna. In Buddhist scriptures it is written that if when we have cheerfulness during dāna, we tend to receive the fruits of it within that day itself. The fruits can be anything positive that can help us live a good life.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

How to fast according to Buddhism

Fast on these 4 days every month

There are different types of fasting in different cultures, religions, sects, etc. But have you heard about fasting in Buddhism. Lord Gautam Buddha advised us to fast 4 days in a month and also what we should or not do on these days. The fast is called Uposatha.

Which are those 4 days?

  1. Krushnastami Uposatha 
  2. Charturdashi Uposatha (1 day before Amavasya)
  3. Shukla Astami  Uposatha 
  4. Poornima Uposatha

Note: You can check in the calendar when are these 4 days.

Importance of Krushnastami

During Krushnastami your deeds are being taken into consideration, accordingly you get the fruits of your actions. Good actions good fruit; bad action bad fruits.

People mostly break Panchsheel in the dark. Panchasheel is broken when you rob, intoxicate, kill someone, etc.

What is Panchsheel or 5 Precepts? 

  • Abstain from killing.
  • Not to indulge in violence Abstain from theft.
  • Not to steal Abstain from sexual misconduct: To show Fidelity. 
  • Abstain from falsehood. Not to speak the untruth Abstain from intoxication.
  • Not to indulge in substance abuse.

Panchsheel of Buddha is comprised of the basic teachings of conduct for the followers to not indulge in the misconduct and misbehavior that may harm the society at large.

How to fast?

Start your day by waking up early in the morning.
Wear white clothes but it is not mandatory.
Sit in front of Bhikkhu or Buddha statue and the take the following vows.
  1. Do not steal via physically, mentally or verbally.
  2. Do not kill or harm anyone physically, mentally or verbally.
  3. Do not speak ill of anyone/ Do not lie
  4. Do not intoxicate yourself with alcohol or tobacco or any such substance
  5. Do not involve in singing and dancing.
  6. Do not involve in any kind entertainment as the thoughts are stimulated.
  7. Do not wear any malas, gandh or facial makeup 
  8. Follow Brahmacharya
  9. Will Sleep on the floor and not on the high bed as it can bring in pride & ego.
During this fasting period do not eat untimely. Eat your breakfast at 7-8am, lunch between 11.30-12pm and there is for dinner which is after 5pm you can have liquid diet or fruits that fit your palm; in short something that doesn't fill your stomach to the whole.

You get immense joy when you follow the above Astasheel or 8 Precepts.

Gautam Buddha was a witness to Astasheel, he believed whoever follows the Astasheel will get what he wishes. Even a person who is sick or is in comma will be cured by the person's hand who follows Astasheel.

Fast on these days and follow Uposatha to get rid of all the sufferings in your life.